Privacy, GDPR & Cookie Policy

The Cranmer Education Trust
Chief Financial Officer

Data Protection and Privacy Policy

We are ASDTi Limited ("ASDTi/we/us"). We are helping with this vacancy for Cranmer Education Trust who have purchased our products and services. At ASDTi, we are very serious about protecting your privacy. Your trust is our most important asset. This privacy policy explains how ASDTi may collect information from you via our websites and how that information may be used subsequently. If you have any queries in relation to this privacy policy, please contact us

By browsing and using our website, you agree to this policy governing your use of the website. If you do not accept this policy, you must not use our website.

This policy applies only to this vacancy website, and to all other websites created by ASDTi, and not to other websites outside of the ASDTi Limited Group, to which we may provide links (for example OfSTED). These 'outside' websites (such as OfSTED) are not subject to our privacy policy. You are advised to read the privacy policy of such other websites.

If a site we have created includes video (as many do), the video will be hosted by Vimeo. or by YouTube. Vimeo and YouTube each have their own policies regarding data collection and the use of cookies and you should read those on Vimeo's or YouTube's policies page. ASDTi is not responsible for these policies.

We may change our privacy policy from time to time without notification, so you should regularly review this policy when you visit our sites.

Please continue to read below about how we may collect, store and use your information, how we keep it safe, and how long we store it.

Time left to apply

1. Collection of Your information 

In order to provide the services you want, and to allow you to experience a more personalised service when you revisit us,(for example to show you our cookie and privacy policy when you first visit, but not every single time when you re-visit us within a short period), we use cookies - but only in a very limited way. We do not use any other form of cookie-based information-gathering or tracking when you simply browse our sites. Remember that external sites to which we link, or from whom video is streamed (such as YouTube or Vimeo) will have their own policies in this regard which you should read on their sites.
We will only collect personal information from you (such as your name, address, telephone number, email address, school name etc.) which you have provided voluntarily to us by completing contact forms, completing application pack request forms, by telephoning us, or by sending emails to us (for example, to request a visit to a school where you are interested in a job at that school). Please do not submit your personal data to us if you do not wish us to collect it.

Examples of where we collect your personal information are:-

If you ask us to contact you, we ask for your name, address, contact number, and e-mail address. This is so we can actually get in contact with you, to answer your question, or provide the information you need.

If you order a product or service from us, we may ask for information including your name, e-mail address, school name, delivery and billing address. We use the payment processing services of PayPal, so we do not ask for, we do not receive, and we therefore do not retain, in any form, your credit or debit card details, or expiry dates.

If you use our recruitment services, and request details of a vacancy from us, we ask for your name, address, school name, position held, telephone number and email address. We then send the documents you have requested by e-mail (and by post, if you request a printed copy). We use these details to send you
(a) reminders when the vacancy is closing;
(b) additional copies of the application papers if you mislay them; (c) feedback on your application and its success;
(d) if you are not successful, we use this information to send you details of similar vacancies that arise, in which we think you might be interested - these latter e-mails will be limited to an average of two per year .

You may contact us to ask that your details be deleted, or to refine the types of roles for which you wish to receive information.

"The school has redesigned its curriculum in recent years to ensure that it is ambitious and that pupils are ready for the next stages of their education. Teachers are clear what pupils are expected to learn as they progress from the Nursery Year to Year 6.  Teachers typically deliver the agreed curriculum with fidelity."
Ofsted, Mayfield Primary School, 2024

2. Use of your information

You agree that we may obtain, hold, correlate, merge and use your information (including personal information gathered as above) for the purpose of providing you with our products and services. These include:

(a) Personalising your visits to our site and developing the design and style of the site to improve our services to you

(b) (Where you have a requested job application pack) To inform you about the latest job vacancies that you might also find interesting. To let Cranmer Education Trust know the response to their advertisement so that interview days can be planned.

(c) (Where you have purchased our survey services) To inform you of renewal dates, costs and new survey product availability as well as any service outages

(d) (Where you have purchased psychometric tests or 360° products) To remind you of deadlines, supply you with passwords and assistance and ultimately to provide your report. To inform you of new products in which you might be interested.

(e) Communication (including our own marketing, and personalising such communication) with you from ASDTi.

(f) Compiling customer reviews

(g) For ASDTi's own internal market research purposes

(h) To prevent the posting of illegal, offensive or objectionable comments on our sites or into our reports

(i) For ASDTi's internal strategic development

(j) For any purpose required by law or regulation

(k) For ASDTi's accounting purposes

3. Sharing Information

If you ask for a recruitment pack, we may share your information with Cranmer Education Trust a on a strictly confidential basis, so that the School and Trust are aware of the interest there has been in the vacancy and so they can make appropriate arrangements for an interview process. Your details will not be shared with anyone else other than as detailed on this page.

We reserve the right to access and to disclose personal information to comply with applicable laws and lawful government requests or requests by applicable regulatory bodies to operate our systems properly or to protect either ourselves or our other users.

We may transfer, sell or assign any of the information described in this policy to third parties as a result of a sale, merger, consolidation, change of control, transfer of assets or reorganisation of ASDTi.

We use securely encrypted backup services provided by Carbonite of 2 Avenue de Lafayette, Boston MA 02111, USA, in which all data is strongly encrypted here in the UK before being backed-up and transferred to the USA for the sole purpose of secure backup storage. You consent to the transfer of your fully-encrypted personal information outside of the European Economic Area solely for these backup purposes.

We may monitor and keep records of e-mail communications which you send to us and other communications with you in accordance with this policy and our other business interests.

4. Safeguards and Security

No data transmission over the internet can be entirely secure, and therefore we cannot guarantee the security of your personal information and/or use of our sites. However we use our reasonable endeavours to protect the security of your personal information from unauthorised access or use by others. ASDTi's websites all use Secure Sockets Layer 2048-bit encryption, verified through Sectigo  of 1255 Broad Street, Clifton, NJ 07013, USA.

In addition to our safeguards, your personal information is protected in the UK by the Data Protection Act. This provides that the information which we hold about you should be processed fairly and lawfully and should be accurate, relevant and not excessive. The information should, where necessary, be kept up to date and not be retained for longer than is necessary. Please help us to keep your personal information accurate by updating your details if they change - just contact us.

For more information on the Data Protection Act and the Information Commissioner please click the link.

Should your personal information change (e.g. your postcode, your role, or the vacancies in which you are interested), or if you wish to review or receive copies of the personal information we hold about you, or have any other queries please contact us with full details of your request.

We may charge a small administration fee in relation to fulfilling a request for access to personal information. We will e-mail you using your contact details to confirm we have actioned your request.

Should you no longer wish to receive any contact or services you have signed up for from us, or to delete all the information we hold about you, please contact us with full details of your request.
We will e-mail you using your contact details, either to confirm we have actioned your request or to advise that we do not hold any information about you.

The Cranmer
Education Trust